Provisional Minutes

Meeting of the Trustees,Management Committee and Members
Thursday, 06/02/2025 @ 09:00 in The Village Hall

1. Minutes of previous meeting

  • Agreed

2. AGM

  • Agreed arrangements and proposed date for the AGM

  • Thursday, 01/05/2025 @ 11:00am

4. Membership

  • Bob will let all members know and request the payment of subscriptions – to be maintained at £30pa.

3. Update from Martin on finance

  • After discussion it was agreed that: This year we will fall into the category of charities with income in the £10-25k range and apart from answering questions on sources of income we will be able to self-certify our income below the 25k threshold. We have emails from/to the Village Hall and the Bowling Club confirming that we have collected funds from car parking on their behalf and, as such, it can be excluded from our income from this year.

4. Charity Commission Requirements

  • Update from Bob, Lance and Martin

  • The proposed Policies and Procedures as required by the Charities Commission were agreed and are now published on the website