Code of Conduct

Effective from 19/01/2024

Purpose of the BayThorpe Shed:

  • To provide a safe, supportive and friendly environment for people to gather, volunteer, work, teach, learn and seek fellowship with other like-minded people.

  • To promote and stabilise the mental, physical, emotional and economic well-being of people in our community.

To achieve this we will:

  • Maintain an open door policy and will not reject any person on the basis of race, gender, disability, religion or age, though some conditions may apply.

  • Certain restrictions may be placed on participation for physical safety reasons or if a participant needs the assistance of a carer (must be provided by the participant) or be deemed a prohibited person

  • Provide a safe physical environment

  • Provide a safe and supportive social environment

  • Assist other services or agencies to help members access the Shed when appropriate or requested

  • Respect the rights and decisions of members

  • Respect the confidentiality and privacy of members

The work environment in the BayThorpe Shed

We will not tolerate abuse, violent, antisocial behaviour or infringements of the rights of others - people indulging in this type of behaviour will be asked to leave the Shed.

Participants are expected to conduct themselves in a courteous manner towards other Shed members, trustees and visitors - this includes being considerate of other people's need for space, tools, materials and equipment.

In the event of conflict, there is a formal procedure to follow, which is to notify the Chair of the Management Committee who will arrange an initial meeting, followed by a formal grievance hearing with three committee members if necessary.’.

General Rules

  • The “Keyholder” for the day is responsible for the session in every respect, and their authority is binding on all those attending

  • Any complaints made against the Keyholder can be brought to a member of the Management Committee and will be dealt with under the published complaints procedure in the Policy and Procedure Manual

  • Members should only use tools and machinery that they are competent to use unless they are being trained to use them

  • No machinery may be used in the Shed without a minimum of 2 people being present

  • Shed issues are taken to shed colleagues first

  • Issues are addressed, not personalities

  • Acknowledgement, recognition and conviviality is a daily habit

  • Listen to everyone and knowing that everyone matters

  • Sharing learning and celebrating success

  • Challenge respectfully and criticise constructively

  • Respect and recognise whoever has the floor

  • Have respect and consideration for life outside the shed

  • All members are aware of and accept the Shed’s Health and safety Policy

Operating Rules

  • Clean equipment after use and return tools to the appropriate place /storage

  • Ensure tools and equipment are in safe working order

  • If a fault is noticed on any equipment you must immediately place an “OUT OF SERVICE" tag and notify the Health and Safety Officer or a committee member.

Ensure your immediate work area is free of obstructions and your operations shall not interfere with other shed activities or members

Code of Practice

  • The Shed resources are for collective use not for personal profit.

  • Programs and activities need to be suitable to the aims and objectives of the project.

  • The Shed Management Committee will assess and approve the proposals for any community or major project before any work commences.

  • No projects are to compete unfairly with local business

  • The Shed identifies that it is necessary to make a profit from events and some projects and activities to ensure future financial viability.

Occupational Health & Safety Policy obligations

This organisation is firmly committed to a policy enabling all work activities to be carried out safely, and with all possible measures taken to remove (or at least reduce) risks to the health, safety, and welfare of Shed members, authorised visitors, and anyone else who may be affected by our operations.

We are committed to ensuring that we comply with all legal requirements of the Health and Safety Regulations and other applicable codes of practice as far as possible. All members will be required to adhere to the policy of self-certification of competence to use equipment. If in ay doubt, this will be explained by the Keyholder for the session.