Meeting of the Trustees,Management Committee and Members
Thursday, 27/06/2024 @ 09:30 in The Village Hall
1. Agreed minutes of previous meeting
2. Handover arrangements:
• VHC lease – will have been signed by all parties by 29/06
• Bill of Sale has been signed and witnessed
• Final utilities bills will be paid by The Scouts and we will wait for letters from Utility companies to change user
• Martin will set up the following bank transfers for payment on 01 July:
£15,000 to complete the sale and £500 to cover utility bills to The Scouts;
£200 to the Fylingdales VH for the annual lease payment.
3. Update from Martin on finance
• Our balance after the above payments will be around £5,000
• A small number of membership payments appear to be outstanding - Martin and Jean will chase these up
• All members should be made aware that purchases of tools or equipment for use in The Shed should be agreed first by at least two members of the management committee – notably Martin, Olly and Chris. They have delegated authority to approve such expenditure, but they may refer large items of expenditure that carry any risk to a discussion and approval by the Trustees and Management Committee.
4. Matters arising from roles within the Management Committee
• Changing locks – Chris will investigate the cost and viability of using registered key locks and will decide on the type of lock to be bought. We hope to install the new locks as soon as possible after 01 July 2023.
• Nominated keyholders – It was agreed that as soon as the new lock is fitted the nominated keyholders will be restricted to committee members and trustees. The keyholder/s for each session will ensure that the session is run in accordance with our published policies, procedures, health & safety.
• Use and security of external area – Stuart P will liaise with the FHVC and Baytown Players to agree a plan for the use and security of the external area.
• Fundraising from parking – there will be a reduction in the amount raised this year, but we expect to raise enough to cover our running costs.
• General maintenance issues – Chris and Olly will be responsible for the ongoing maintenance of the building and the area around it. They will agree a priority maintenance schedule and ask members to become involved in those tasks.
• It was agreed that part of the Thursday session would be set aside for cleaning and tidying the building.
5. Defibrillator
We have agreed with Cllr. Penny Whitesmith that Joe, Bob or a n other member, will check, once a week, that the illuminated tick on the device is still showing green. I will send an email confirming this to the Clerk of the PC every Thursday evening to confirm. The task is no more onerous than that. The ownership and maintenance stays with the Parish Council and we have no liability if things go wrong. The Clerk to the PC will confirm the above in writing.
6. Publicity
Stuart P will consider how we might now publicise our recent success and consider a date for an Open day and wider community involvement. It was agreed that this would be the focus of our next meeting.