
Meeting of the Trustees,Management Committee and Members
Thursday, 30/05/2024 @ 11:30 in The Shed

1. Agreed minutes of previous meeting

2. Update From Bob on funding applications and future actions

• Bob confirmed that we have been successful in obtaining two grants: UKSPF £10,000 and Woodsmith Foundation £5,000
• These grants cover our costs in respect of buying the premises from Scarborough & District Scouts and we hope to have completed that process very soon.
• We have agreement from the Village Hall Committee to “flip” and extend the lease to us for 10 years and, in our meeting with the Chair and Phil Haigh this morning, we have agreed new wording for the lease that will be put to the VHC meeting on 5 June.

3. Update from Lance on insurance, implementation of H & S policy, and any other issues

• All of the required insurance policies are now in place and the premiums have been paid.
• Insurance cover requires implementation and oversight of the H&S policy and DBS checks for keyholders.
• Members are required to agree to the policies and procedures by signng the membership form and paying the agreed annual membership fee of £30

4. Update from Martin on finance and response to implementation of annual membership fee

• We have a relatively healthy current balance of around £6,000 to be set against annual running costs (for which we are now fully liable) of at least £3,500.
• Membership fees can be paid by bank transfer or directly to Martin

5. Update from Martin on arrangements for D-Day 80 Remembrance

• Martin outlined the support needed on Kingston Field to prepare for this event on 5, 6, 7 June.
• It was agreed that members would turn up to offer their help. Martin will happily provide more information on timings etc.