Provisional Minutes
Meeting of the Trustees,Management Committee and Members
Thursday, 19/12/2024 @ 09:00 in The Village Hall
1. Agreed minutes of previous meeting
2. Arrangements for the Festive get together 09/01/2025.
It was decided to hold the event in the Village Hall, kitchen room.
Stuart to liaise with Elaine and call on other members for assistance as required. A light buffet and drinks will be provided. .
3. Finance
Our running costs are estimated at approximately £5k per year. If we continue to raise money from parking and maintain our subscriptions, we should be able to keep a balance that would give up to one year’s running costs. It was decided that this is the most prudent approach, and we should adopt it0
4. Matters arising from roles within the Management Committee
Nominated keyholders – Stuart will have a spare key cut
Health & Safety – There was some discussion about introducing an induction process, but it was decided that since the initial membership introduction covers H&S responsibilities the onus should be on personal responsibility and consideration for others, with reminders from Key Holders about this in relation to the activities being undertaken on any day.
Electrical checks – Olly Knight has completed his testing and Pete M will do the PAT testing next year.
General maintenance issues and heating – a day will be set aside in the Spring to audit all current tools, recycle unwanted items and complete the external works. Olly and Chris were thanked for their excellent work on the kitchen area. A letter of thanks has been sent to Howdens, Whitby, for their contribution.
Members will need to be reminded that under the terms of our insurance no heating appliances (e.g.blow torches etc.,) can be used inside the building
5. Responsibility and any returns to Charities Commission and date for AGM
Stuart will liaise with Elaine on CC requirements
The AGM is to be held in May 2025 and the guidance is on our website. We will agree a date and time for the AGM at our next meeting.
6. Christmas Opening
Finally, it was decided that the Shed will close on Thursday, 19 December and re-open on Wednesday, 03 January. If any members wish to use the facilities on 31 December or 02 January they can contact a Key Holder and, if they are available, they will open up.