Meeting of the Trustees,Management Committee and Members
Thursday, 11/04/2024 @ 12:00 in The Shed
Update from Chair.
Insurance is now in place via a broker. The insurance Certificate is on the Shed Notice Board.
Health & Safety Policy is now on the Web Site and a copy in the shed.
The Awards for All (National Lottery) Grant have stated they can not fund our application.
Bob to contact them.
Virgin Money (bank) have confirmed the change of 2 signatures and the account contact name has been actioned.
Martin to apply to set up online banking and for an account id card to be issued as this is now required for paying cash into the account.
Annual Membership
Membership fee of £30 p/a.
Membership period to run with the Tax year from 5th April each Year.
Require a membership document for members to sign that confirms they have: Read and agree with the Health & Safety policy, Read and agree with the Safeguarding policy, and filled in their details on the Tool Register.
Actions required:-
Bob. To compile form and communicate to members.
Lance. To provide document PDF’s to Bob.
Jean. Provide list of members & email addresses to Bob.
Martin. Provide bank details to Bob. (for payments via BACS)
Martin. Make a register of members and payments received.
Agreed that Committee members, Trustees and Keyholders should all have a DBS check. Cost £18, to be funded by the Shed.
Elaine to keep list of all members with a completed DBS check.
Action: All concerned. Get an online DBS check.
On receipt of DBS certificate notify Elaine.
Online DBS checks: https://www.gov.uk/request-copy-criminal-record
Agreed the keyholders should be reviewed when the lock is changed upon getting ownership of the Shed.
Proposed to have a current ‘Keyholders’ meeting to cover the responsibilities a keyholder has.
Proposed date of meeting Thursday 25/04/2024.
Action: Keyholders to be notified.
Fire Safety.
Safety equipment, 4 new fire extinguishers purchased.
Fire Safety Log Book. Copy provided, requires completing. Olly to action.
Update from Stuart.
Trees on the embankment overhanging the Shed. Council contacted and have accepted embankment trees are on their land and they have responsibility and liability for them. Council stated that trees have been inspected and are considered safe and that they are to be re-inspected in autumn.
Next meetings:
Keyholders meeting. Thurs 25 April. 12:00 Shed.
Committee Meeting. Thurs 30 May. 12:00. Shed.