Meeting of the Trustees and Management Committee
22/02/2024 @ 12:00 in The Shed

Members present:

Elaine Marsh,
Stuart Purdie,
Martin Megson,
Lance Garrard,
Olly Brown,
Chris Andrews,
Bob McGovern.
Jean McIntosh

Updates from the Management Committee

Parking – Arrangements for coming year to be agreed at Members’ Meeting 07 March

Maintenance – No immediate issues

Procurement/buying – Chris has made some day-to-day purchases

Membership – Jean and Elaine to take forward updating of members’ details and the completion of the new membership form

H & S – Olly and Chris to complete self-assessment form with members

Website – up and running: www.baythorpeshed.gov.uk

Property – see 3 below

Update on CIO application and funding:

The CIO application was approved by the Charities Commission on 01/02/2024. Our registration number is: 1206837. We are now legally able to apply for grants and to enter a lease for the premises.

We received a favourable valuation report from Richardson & Smith on 21/02/24 indicating the value of the Shed to be at least £15,000.

Anglo-American (the mine) asked for the valuation and agreed to pay for it. We are hopeful that they will agree to fund the purchase once they have considered it. Stuart Purdie will continue to liaise with them.

Nicky Ruddick, Community First, has suggested that we might approach a range of funders beginning with the National Lottery Community Fund. This is largely an online process and Bob McGovern will complete the application on our behalf. There is a 16 week application period.

We remain hopeful that we will have sufficient funds to complete the purchase and the lease by May, but it was agreed that we will need a contingency plan if we are unable to get sufficient funds together and Stuart will talk to both Stuart Micklewright and the Scouts at various points over the coming weeks once the funding outlook has been confirmed.

Communication between Shed members and Trustees / Management Committee

It was agreed that we would have a Members’ Meeting on Thursday 7 March @ 11:00am followed by a Trustees and Management Committee Meeting @ 12:00

Arrangements for transfer of financial control

Martin has completed the paperwork for the changes with the bank. The signatories for cheques will now be Martin, Olly and Bob with a requirement for two of the three signatures for each transaction. Martin has produced a helpful financial summary for the last two years and a forecast of likely running costs

The committee approved the following documents:

H & S self-assessment