Baythorpe Shed Membership Form
Please complete the boxes below. This information will be kept in the Members’ file in the Baythorpe Shed in accordance with our Data Protection Policy.
By signing this form you are requesting to join the Shed and you actively agree to the storage and use of your personal information as detailed in the Data Protection Statement below.
Email Address:
Interests, Skills & Experience (optional):
Date of Birth:
Do you have any medical conditions that we need to know about and what is the best way for us to deal with them if they occur?:
I also agree to abide by the guiding principles of the Men's Shed movement and the Constitution of Shed which can be found near the noticeboard and on our website.
Signed: .............................. Date: ........................
Emergency Contact Details
Please enter your next-of-kin details below, including phone numbers and a secondary contact if you wish. This will be kept in the Shed for use in an emergency.
Post Code
Phone Number
Mobile Number
If we are unable to contact the person above, do you have another emergency contact name and number you wish to add?
Data Protection Statement
When will Baythorpe Shed disclose your information to others?
Your email address may be viewed by fellow members and supporters in our regular email updates.
We will enable Baythorpe Shed Members to view your emergency contact details only if required.
This document will be held in the Shed in a secure cabinet and will only be available to the Keyholder for the day.
We will not disclose or sell information about you or your contact details to any third-party organisation or individual without your specific consent other than to Shed Committee Members undertaking official Shed business and always to the terms of the Privacy Policy Statement.
Baythorpe Shed may also be obliged to disclose your personal information to meet any legal or regulatory requirements (for example to comply with a court order) or obligations in accordance with applicable law.