
Meeting of the Trustees,Management Committee and Members
Thursday, 07/03/2024 @ 11:00 in The Shed

1. The Chair opened the meeting and welcomed members.

  • It was agreed that methods of communication via the new website and the posting of minutes on the Shed noticeboard was a positive way forward and general agreement that members felt they were being kept informed.

  • The Scouts have agreed a purchase price of £15k and this has been confirmed in an independent valuation (paid for by Richardson & Smith).

  • We are grateful to the Village Hall Committee for confirming that they are willing to agree a lease with us on similar terms to the current lease with the Scouts. They have also agreed to extend it from five to ten years. This confirmation is essential to potential funders.

2. Update From Bob on funding applications

Bob outlined the grants that he has applied for on our behalf and the timescales associated with each:

  • Woodsmith Foundation £5k – looking positive and we should know by end May.

  • Awards for All (National Lottery) £19k – if we qualify we would be given a full grant. We should know by end of May.

  • UK SPF through NYC. It’s not clear whether we qualify under this grant and we are waiting for confirmation from Community First

  • Two Ridings Foundation – we do not qualify at this time but we might be eligible for a small grant in the future.

  • Barratt Homes Foundation – no feedback yet.

Getting the CIO in place was the key factor in being able to apply for grants. The timescales for the grants might take us beyond our original deadline for buying the Shed from the Scouts, but with the agreement of the Scouts and the Village Hall Committee this has been extended.

There was some discussion about how we will make up any shortfall if the various grant applications are not successful or partial. It was decided that we will come back to members as soon as this is known – most likely in early June – to agree a way forward.

3. Update from Martin on finance

  • We currently have available funds of £5k

  • Annual running costs are likely to be around £3.5k

Martin and Lance outlined the pressures from costs such as insurance and implementing the necessary Health & Safety requirements. It was resolved unanimously that from April 2024 we would introduce a membership fee of £30 per annum.

Car parking revenue is an essential source of funding and will help us to both buy and equip and run the Shed. All members are encopuraged to join the WhatsApp group and volunteer some of their time to help.

4. The meeting closed expressing our best wishes to Stuart Purdie.