Health and safety policy arrangements for Baythorpe Shed.

  • Safety Officer (Displayed on the Shed Notice Board) has overall and final responsibility for health and safety in the Shed.

  • The session Keyholder has day-to-day responsibility for ensuring practice of this policy in the Shed.

Statement of General Policy
  • Prevent accidents and cases of ill-health arising from Shed activities by managing the health and safety risks in the Shed.

  • Provide clear instructions, information, and adequate training, to ensure Shedders act in a safe manner.

  • Engage and consult with Shedders on day-to-day health and safety conditions.

  • Implement and display clear details of emergency procedures – evacuation in case of fire or other significant incidents.

  • Provide and maintain Personal Protective Equipment and ensure it is used where appropriate.

  • Maintain safe and healthy conditions, maintain equipment and machinery, and ensure safe storage.

  • Baythorpe Shed’s Health and Safety policy is displayed on the Shed Notice Board.

  • Members contact, health and NOK details in the Green Folder in the Kitchen

  • First aid box is located in the Kitchen next to the back door

  • Accident log is located in the Green Folder in the Kitchen

  • Fire assembly point is the car park to the front of the Shed

Date: 20/03/2024